Monday, November 23

1. Write another of the letters that Cinna was to plant at Brutus' house. Remember, you are trying to convince him to get involved in stopping Caesar. You need to bring up points against Caesar gaining more power and be as persuasive as possible in your argument. Your country is falling into the hands of a tyrant - let Brutus know how you feel!


Caesar needs to be stopped! I feel that if we dont stop him now, we will all be in danger later and it will be too late. You agreeing to help us with this is crutial to save rome. Rome needss you, we all need you! Caesar may be your friend but would you rather be known as "A friend of the man who took his powers too far and made rome a disaster? Accompless of the man who ruined our country? The man that could have saved us but decided that his country was'nt as important as his friendship with the awful king that used his powers in a negative way?" or would you like to be known as "Brutus- Savior of Rome? New king of Rome? Most improtant and loved man in Rome?" You need to do this. For me, for us, for Rome! you need to kill caesar and terminate all of his powers that if you dont, he will definatly abuse! Brutus, you are destin to be king of Rome, you are greater than caeser! If you do this, you will be crowned king by the country that you saved. We need you! Please!