Wednesday, January 6

Poem to Julius Caesar from Cinna the poet

Julius you are

You are my king forever

You are just so great

I would go so far

Bad things, I would do never

Don`t know how they hate

You did things for me

You did things for everyone

You did things for Rome

Now that I can see

Your love was for anyone

We want you back home

This haiku I write

From the bottom of my heart

I want you to read

You are not in sight

But from where ever you are

You will always see

You’re completely free

To do whatever you like

We`ll never lose touch

We do not agree

We were always by your side

We love you so much


Cinna the poet.

Monday, November 23

1. Write another of the letters that Cinna was to plant at Brutus' house. Remember, you are trying to convince him to get involved in stopping Caesar. You need to bring up points against Caesar gaining more power and be as persuasive as possible in your argument. Your country is falling into the hands of a tyrant - let Brutus know how you feel!


Caesar needs to be stopped! I feel that if we dont stop him now, we will all be in danger later and it will be too late. You agreeing to help us with this is crutial to save rome. Rome needss you, we all need you! Caesar may be your friend but would you rather be known as "A friend of the man who took his powers too far and made rome a disaster? Accompless of the man who ruined our country? The man that could have saved us but decided that his country was'nt as important as his friendship with the awful king that used his powers in a negative way?" or would you like to be known as "Brutus- Savior of Rome? New king of Rome? Most improtant and loved man in Rome?" You need to do this. For me, for us, for Rome! you need to kill caesar and terminate all of his powers that if you dont, he will definatly abuse! Brutus, you are destin to be king of Rome, you are greater than caeser! If you do this, you will be crowned king by the country that you saved. We need you! Please!

Wednesday, October 14

Assignment #1 "The Vile Village"

1.Who is the author? How many books has he or she written? Is there any other biographical information you could give about him or her that is important?
-The author of this book is "Lemony Snicket". Lemony has also written many other books in "The series of unfortunate events", i dont know of any books that he has written outside of this series but I think that he is a great author.

2.What is your book about? Describe the basic plot of the book in 100 - 150 words. This should be your own description, though, and not come from the back of the book or from an online source!
-The book is about three siblings named "Violet, Klaus, and Sunny" who for once get to choose their own gardians except, the only ones they had to choose from are whole villages! They chose the village called V.F.D. because it is something that has been mentioned in earlier books and because count olaf has somethig to do with it and they want to figure out what it means. When they arrive, the meet the cuncil of elders and then have to live with the handyman named Hector. The three siblings think that their friends "The Quagmire triplets." are sending them poems as a help signal."For sapphires we are held in here. Only you can end our fear.Until dawn comes we cannot speak. No words can come from this sad beak. The first thing you read contains the clue. An initial way to speak to you. Inside these letters the eye will see. Nearby are your friends and V.F.D." The quagmire triplets know that the bauldelaires are very smart so they know that they will figure out that the first letter of evey sentence spell the word "Fountain." The siblings end up going to jail for supposedly killing jacques, and thats when Klaus remembers that it is his 13th brthday. The siblings find the triplets and try to get away, but only the quagmires get to leave and the baudelares are all alone again.
3.What is the setting of the book? Remember to explain in detail all three elements of the setting: time, place & atmosphere.
-This book takes place in a village called V.F.D. and it is usually not very bright. The amosphere is happy when they meet Hector but when things start to go wrong,the atmosphere quickly turnes depressing.
4.Pick a main character -preferably the protagonist - from the novel. Describe that character by choosing two personality traits that the character exhibits. Each trait you chose should be fully supported with examples and explanations to prove how that character demonstrates these traits.
-Violet Baudelare: Politeness- She is polite because when the elders tell them that they have to do all the chores of the villge, she doesnt say anything, i think that violet is too polite because she never stickes up for herself, she just takes all this punnishment. Helpful- She is helpful because all of the inventions that she makes are to help or even save herself or other people.
5.Give a basic review of how much you are enjoying the book so far. Is it enjoyable? Is it any good? What do you like/dislike about it?
-I have read this book probably three times and i love it! It is very enjoyable because of the suspense and the fact that it's the 7th book in the series; makes it even better, because you find out things that werent mentioned since the fifth book. The thing I like about it is that halfway through the book, you have a little hope for the three siblings; but at the end, they are once again running away from count olaf.